
Big and Little Improvements


Merry Wednesday everyone!

Over the past couple of days there have been quite a few minor changes and some dig developments for Firstly the little things:

i) The projects page now comes with a little description on each of the links via a little drop down (well, just appears at the moment) link. Try it out and suggest some improvements.

ii) Feedback - There is now a little feedback box on the right hand side, feel free to click it and see what it's all about

iii) Avatars - If you have one with gravatar then you will have it displayed next to your name. You must have the same e-mail address registered with me and gravatar

Secondly some of the major upgrades:

i) iPlayer - I use iPlayer to watch programmes. Previous attempts to record what I watch with cookies etc has been a hassle. So, I have added a new project - iPlayer Episodes (name to be changed soon). I have started recording the programme identifiers to my database and now use them to identify programmes that I have seen in a nice little (ever growing) table. Using PHP to read metadata from the BBC website, I have also got the title and description for each episode I watch and provide links back to iPlayer and /programmes on the BBC website. Further development to this will be coming soon, again suggestions welcome.

ii) The launch of the API - Horray - more information will be along soon but for now just go have a play

MEG Scheduler


I have done a mini project involving a scheduler system for assigning times for people. The user adds a persons details, then get assigned an id; the user can then edit the times the person is available and a relationship is given to that persons id and the time id. A calender is then written to check each timeslot for an available user and draws a picture. Very nice and colourful.


- edited | 0 comments | music lastfm

So.... When you are logged in and have specified your LastFM username then my site works out our similar tastes in music providing a percentage to about 10 decimal places for some reason! If your not logged in our have not provided your LastFM details or of course you do not have LastFM then it just displays my information so do not worry about a blank page -

OpenID Update

| 0 comments | openid


On the site now you can log in with your OpenID, you will authenticate via your provider and then you are logged into my site until you press logout or you close your session (browser window). When logged in you are greeted by a currently ugly account page which shows you the data I hold against you from your OpenID. You can add to, edit, remove any of these from there. Any changes you make will only be specific to this website and not your OpenID. You can then use the network tool page to update your own social networking status, I'm going to add LastFM account field so that we can compare musical tastes; flickr account aswell to see some of your public photos too if you want.

I have started adding permission settings to pages that needed them: for example the network tool now only works if your logged in and have provided your social networking details; the podcast submission form is only accesible to what I'm calling level 9 permissions - which is currently me!

Any other ideas to share stuff for fun, let me know - drop me an e-mail