
Hire Me


Did you know you can hire me?

I can make your next web application whether it be a complex database driven system, or a simple static Web Site.

I have experience in most common web languages: HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript. I have worked with a number of CMS' including Wordpress and Blogger.

From setting up web hosting, your personal web address, DNS management, Email through to database set-up, backup, storage - delivering your complete web application - I will find a solution.

I have worked with past companies and organisations to design, develop and deliver web solutions including:

  • The Big 5 Restaurant
  • Signpost Youth Project
  • University Radio York

So if you need fast, friendly, valid and functioning service - get in touch.

Mobile Version


Introducing the mobile site

Mobile Site

A browser check (by a php function found here) is done when landing on the homepage - if you do not have a GET variable called nomobile set and you are listed as a mobile browser then you are forwarded to where you are presented with a simple overview of most things on the main site.

Currently [31/05/2010], in beta - the page does not link anywhere except back to the full version. However, cool things will happen soon

Where are you? Geo Location in HTML 5

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My latest little web application (doesn't actually really do anything yet) now finds out, as close as possible, where you are!

The Location Page will get your browser to ask for your permission to tell it where abouts you are. The spec can be found here. The piece of code I use is quite simply:

var latlong;
function error(msg) {
function success(position) {
latlong = position.coords.latitude +","+ position.coords.longitude;
$("#location").html(<img src=""+latlong+"&zoom=15&size=600x600&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false&markers=color:blue|label:A|"+latlong+"" title="You are here" alt="Map">");
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);

This piece of javascript not only requests the location from the browser but then, on success, updates the page with a static map from Google with a marker of your returned latitude and longitude.

Examples of use for this API would be local data, weather, news etc that could all take precedence on a page

Location Aware Facebook

| 0 comments | facebook

If the graph API is anything to go by then it looks like Facebook will be location aware very soon

{ "id": "512982904", "name": "Dylan Jones", "first_name": "Dylan", "last_name": "Jones", "link": "", "location": { "id": null, "name": null }, "gender": "male" }

Notice the location parameter, now a default result in the user information call.