
iPlayer Statistics


So I have a couple of months of iPlayer use data, what to do with it?

There may be a few interesting trends starting to appear if I start to analyze them. Such as when, how often and for how long do I use the service; days of the week, times of day- that kind of thing . It should be interesting but, it would be really good if I could do some kind of mashup of the data.

I do know when I was in Wales over Christmas which I could include in a map or using the BBC Programmes data, look more into what I was actually watching. Which actors, directors do I watch the most? Which channel, radio station etc?

If the data is available- look into favourite genres, locales, and the rest of it.

Has anyone else done a similar project?

What interesting data can be pulled up here?

Talking of linked data, I intend to publish an interactive, more accurate 'My Linked Web' map soon, maybe, hopefully.


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