A New Look - Standards
| 0 comments | html5Visitors of dylanjones.info will have noticed a change in the 'tone' - haha - good one! It's gone all grey (or gray in CSS terms)
With this week quite quiet except for revision, I have had some time to sort the pages out, tidy up some of the old stuff and bring in the new. The main reason for doing so is standards compliance. I have looked into my crystal ball to see what is up and coming and thought ahead so to keep this version of the framework lasting a long time. The answer was clear: HTML 5
I have converted all my output to the HTML 5 Spec (draft) so when it does come - I'm ready!
"But if it is not a here- why use it?"
The main reason is, most decent browsers have HTML 5 support. By decent I mean Firefox, Chrome, Safari. If you are using Internet Explorer then I'm not sure what you'll see when you load this website.
"What is new then?"
The doctype (not very interesting), the header and nav elements are being put to use; I am looking forward to experimenting with databse, location, audio, video and canvas tags in the coming future.
So with all this I went along and checked, re-checked and indeed validated all my pages. Obviously my lovely web hosting service (000 Webhost) have decided to add a script to the end of all my files outside of the end html tag so that throws up 2 errors but all my stuff is clean! I am now also WAI compliant - meaning that I am accessible to everyone (with a decent browser).
I will introduce a bit of colour (color in CSS) soon but for now I'm going to validate all my API output for standard RSS viewers to be able to display the information rather than having people to develop their own reader. I will document this when it arrives.