
Signpost Website Update

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Yesterday afternoon I moved the sgnpost website over to it's new home on 000webhost. This was basically moving where the domain was- previously it just pointed at the pages but now the URL is registered on 000webhosts nameservers.

In the process I made a few bug fixes, especially some in the admin section. And added PHP includes for prehtml, head, navigation and footer. They also got moved into a folder of their own too keep out of the way. The only regret is I have is including the end head tag within the head php file as now adding extra script to a page has become more difficult. Further plans include user based login incorporated with OpenID and hopefully Facebook Connect. This is one of the main reasons for the prehtml file - to do cookies and login data etc.

Other quick fixes need to be done to css, script and things and almost all the images on site need to be re-done. That's about it for now- oh new twitter feed for them: @signpostyouth and flickr photo account coming soon too


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